Wiri men’s Prison - SIA
- Client:
- Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)
- Date:
- August-September 2010
- Objectives:
- To determine the adequacy and completeness of the SIA carried out by OPUS consultants on behalf of the Department of Corrections
- Major activities:
- Site visit;
Experts workshop;
Review of Final SIA Report
- Outputs:
- A Review report for EPA
Social analysis in relation to the Commercial Strategy
- Client:
- Christchurch City Council
- Date:
- 2004
- Objectives:
- To provide definitions and qualitative discussion of -
- the role and function of commercial centres (a conceptual framework);
- the importance of non-retail activities in commercial centres;
- the role of transportation and access;
- definitions for each of the characteristics in the framework;
- the role of centres within the city (application of the framework);
- future social trends and centres;
- evaluating thresholds for social attributes; and
- explanation of what will make a ‘successful’ centre.
- Major activities:
- Scoping Assessment included -
- updating an international literature review;
- interviews with managers of several large shopping malls in Christchurch;
- key informant interviews with a selection of people involved in the provision of various social services and community services in the City;
- four focus group discussions aimed at testing out the practical application of the conceptual framework for linking the development of a suburban centre with achieving social well being outcomes.
- Outputs:
- Scoping Report (July 2004) Note: the remainder of the investigation did not proceed.
Report to the Client on two focus groups held in Riccarton (September 2004)
Report to the Client on two focus groups held in Edgeware (November 2004)
Social Analysis in relation to the City Plan Variation on Retail Distribution
- Client:
- Christchurch City Council
- Date:
- 2004-2007
- Objectives:
- To discuss the concept of social well being in relation to patterns of commercial development around the City and to analyse how retail development and distribution contribute to the social well being of the City’s residents. To carry out a s32 comparative assessment associated with Variation 86 to the City Plan.
- Major activities:
- - analysis of policy and planning contexts;
- review of empirical studies which contribute to analysis of social well being contributions;
- discussion of the reasons for managing retail distribution patterns;
- a s32 analysis of alternative regulatory approaches to managing future retail development and distribution across the City.
- Outputs:
- Report to the Client (June 2004)
Statement of evidence to the commissioner hearing on Variation 86 (February 2006)
Statement of evidence to the Environment Court hearing on Variation 86 (August 2007)
Long Bay Structure Plan
- Client:
- Landco Development Ltd
- Date:
- 2007
- Objectives:
- To prepare an SIA in association with the Structure Plan proposed by Landco for the comprehensive urban development of Long Bay.
- Major activities:
- - site visit;
- demographic analysis of census data to determine appropriate study area;
- interviews with social service providers regarding longer-term strategic intentions;
- interviews with local social agencies and community groups regarding community of interest.
- Outputs:
- Statement of evidence to the Environment Court hearing on the Long Bay Structure Plan (May 2007)
The impact of non-residential activities in residential zones
- Client:
- Christchurch City Council
- Date:
- 2004
- Objectives:
- To develop an approach to assessing the impact of residential encroachment on residential coherence and to survey residents experiences of residential encroachment and its social effects.
- Major activities:
- - review of planning documents;
- semi-structured interviews with Council staff;
- semi-structured interviews with representatives of non-residential activities;
- structured questionnaire-based survey of residential neighbours to non-residential activities (focused around three case studies: a dental practice, a motel, a pre-school)
- Outputs:
- Report to the Client (November 2004)
Survey feedback to participants.
Styx Town Centre - Private Plan Change
- Client:
- Calco Development Ltd
- Date:
- 2008-2009
- Objectives:
- To prepare an SIA in relation to the development of a new town centre, as proposed via a private Plan Change Proposal (PC22)
- Major activities:
- - site visit;
- analysis of planning and policy settings for the northern sector of Christchurch relevant to social well being factors;
- review of technical assessments for traffic management, urban design and landscape, stormwater management;
- demographic and spatial analyses of the suburban residential environment and travel-to-work patterns;
- interviews with social service providers regarding longer-term strategic intentions;
- interviews with local social agencies and community groups regarding community of interest.
- Outputs:
- Report to the Client (June 2009)
Statement of evidence to the commissioner hearing on PC22 (July 2009)
Rebuttal evidence to the commissioner hearing on PC22 (July 2009)
Submission to Proposed Change 1 to the Canterbury Regional Policy Statement
- Client:
- Mills Road Group
- Date:
- 2009
- Objectives:
- To prepare an SIA in relation to the Outline Development Plan submitted by the Mills Road Group to the commissioners hearing on PC1 to the RPS.
- Major activities:
- - site visit;
- analysis of planning and policy settings for the northern sector of Christchurch relevant to social well being factors;
- demographic and spatial analyses of the suburban residential environment and travel-to-work patterns;
- interviews with social service providers regarding longer-term strategic intentions;
- interviews with local social agencies and community groups regarding community of interest.
- Outputs:
- Statement of evidence to the commissioner hearing on PC1 (July 2009)
Proposed Change 6 to the Auckland Regional Policy Statement
- Client:
- Auckland Regional Council
- Date:
- 2009
- Objectives:
- To prepare social analysis evidence related to Proposed Change 6, drawing on empirical material from Auckland as well as elsewhere.
- Major activities:
- - review previous studies concerning the centres-based approach to commercial/retail distribution in cities;
- co-location surveys in three Auckland centres (Pakuranga, New Lynn and Botany Town);
- compositional survey of retail activities in six centres in the Auckland region;
- demographic analysis of census data relating to existing patterns of residential distribution, travel-to-work behaviours and population growth around existing centres.
- Outputs:
- Statement of evidence of the Environment Court (August 2009)
Lincoln Retail Assessment: Social Impact Considerations
- Client:
- Selwyn District Council
- Date:
- 2008
- Objectives:
- To assess the likely social impacts of a proposed out-of-centre supermarket near Lincoln and to provide advice to the Selwyn District Council on options to mitigate adverse effects.
- Major activities:
- - review of background planning documentation;
- review of supermarket resource consent application documentation;
- analysis of census demographic data;
- survey of existing businesses in Lincoln township.
- Outputs:
- Report to the Client (December 2008)
Social impact assessment of out-of-centre supermarket development - Aranui case study, Christchurch
- Client:
- Christchurch City Council
- Date:
- 2007
- Objectives:
- To conduct an ex-post SIA as the basis for preparing evidence for the Environment Court on Variation 86 to the Christchurch City Plan.
- Major Activities:
- Review of Wainoni Road supermarket (out-of-centre) resource consent application documents; review of previous Social Analysis materials prepared by Taylor Baines; direct observations of the locations and
host community, face-to-face key informant interviews, focus groups, survey of local businesses and organisations; quantitative and spatial analysis of census demographic data.
- Outputs:
(i) Statement of evidence to the Environment Court for Variation 86, with attachments. (329 kb)
(ii) Social analysis in relation to the City Plan Variation on Retail Distribution, with appendices. (4,516 kb)
Auckland Road pricing evaluation study - social impact assessment
- Client:
- Ministry of Transport (through Delloittes in collaboration with Market Economics Research Ltd)
- Date:
- 2005-2006
- Objectives:
- (i)Contribute to the social-economic impact assessment component in an inter-disciplinary team approach.
(ii) Assess the effects on households including a spatial analysis of the effects of different road pricing options and identify potentially vulnerable groups and areas.
(iii) Assess effects on key social sectors such as health, education, recreation, social welfare and associated services.
- Major Activities:
- Literature review, risk assessment.
- Outputs:
- Social impact assessment technical notes and input to final reports.
Valley Plaza, out of-centre mall development, Upper Hutt
- Client:
- Westfield NZ Ltd and Progressive Enterprises Ltd
- Date:
- 1999-2000
- Objectives:
- (i) Consider social impacts of a proposed major out-of-centre retail complex on the outskirts of Upper Hutt City, including effects on functional and social amenity of the existing city
centre, and effects on local residents from traffic, and loss of local recreation and amenity.
(ii) Critique the AEE and social impact assessments prepared for the development in relation to proposed plan changes and resource consents.
- Major Activities:
- Key informant interviews, analysis of data from telephone survey of residents, interviews and mapping of social services.
- Outputs:
- Social impact assessment evidence to Council hearings and the Environment Court on behalf of appellants (resource consent was initially granted by the Council but later declined by the Environment Court).
For further information see Nick Taylor, Wayne McClintock and Brigid Buckenham (2003). Social impacts of out-of-centre shopping centres on town centres: a New Zealand case study. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 21,2:147-154.
Riccarton Mall redevelopment SIA, Christchurch
- Client:
- Westfield NZ Ltd
- Date:
- 1998
- Objectives:
- (i) Carry out a social impact assessment of a proposed extension to Riccarton mall, including expanded retail areas, a cinema complex and parking buildings.
(ii) Consult with nearby residents and businesses.
(iii) Consider functional and social amenity values, and the consequences of changes in traffic, pedestrians, on-street parking, noise and visual effects on people and the host community.
- Major Activities:
- Description of the surrounding business and residential areas, key informant interviews, meetings with local residents groups, review of traffic and other technical information, analysis of social effects.
- Outputs:
- Social impact assessment report, evidence to commissioner hearings (resource consent granted and mall extension constructed)