Overseas Projects:
Malaysia Social Impact Assessment Project
- Client:
- The Government of Malaysia and United Nations Development Programme
- Date:
- 2001-2002
- Objectives:
- to assist with capacity building and improved institutional arrangements for social impact assessment.
- to develop an approach and methodology for carrying out the SIA for proposed development projects and programmes
- to incorporate SIA into planning and design of projects and programmes
- Major Activities:
Working with local consultants;
International literature review;
Training workshops;
Four case studies used for experiential learning, including an urban water supply reservoir, housing project, rural development project and urban structure plan.
- Outputs:
- Contract report, with recommendations for institutional strengthening;
Published SIA Guidelines;
Case study reports;
Conference paper.
The Economics of Transition
- Client:
- Mekong Institute/NZ Overseas Development Assistance Programme
- Date:
- 1997-2001
- Objectives:
- Provide curriculum review advice in relation to NZODA's policy on environment and development
- Review the achievements in integrating environmental considerations as cross-cutting issues during the first two years of the programme
- Develop and deliver Environment & Development teaching module and Social Impacts teaching module
- Major Activities:
- Participation in curriculum review workshops and commentary on curriculum development, teaching of environment and development and social impacts modules, evaluations and reviews.
- Outputs:
- Participant notes for each module, review report, presenter's reports.
Resettlement Action Plan for Pasig River Rehabilitation
- Client:
- Asian Development Bank
- Date:
- 2000-1
- Objectives:
- Assist with identifying and implementing improvements to the implementation of a resettlement action plan.
- Monitor the implementation to ensure that resettlement proceeds in a systematic manner in accordance with established guidelines.
- Major Activities:
- Consultation with key agencies and NGOs, review of resettlement schedule, organise entitlements for low-income families, establish a information and consultation framework, develop an action plan.
- Outputs:
- Report of the resettlement specialist.
Training Needs Assessment - Scoping Mission
- Client:
- Tenaga Nasional Berhad (through Lincoln International Ltd)
- Date:
- 1994
- Objectives:
- Assess Tenaga Nasional Berhad's needs for training in Environmental Management.
- Propose relevant means for providing such training services, with particular reference to training capabilities available through Lincoln University and its faculty members.
- Major Activities:
Scoping interviews;
Prepare company profile in relation to training needs;
Needs assessment across all major divisions and strategic business units of the company;
Focus groups within company to assess preliminary recommendations;
Reporting back to Lincoln University.
- Outputs:
- Contract report, with recommendations for:
Options for developing a masters degree programme;
A range of 8 short-course types and target groups.
Agricultural Development Project - Feasibility Study
- Client:
- Asian Development Bank (through AGRICO, Auckland).
- Date:
- 1994
- Objectives:
- prepare an agricultural development project for the Niua's and 'Eua islands.
- prepare a project for post-harvest and export marketing facilities for Tonga as a whole.
- Major Activities:
- Team leadership, soft-systems techniques, social analysis including gender analysis, interviews and village consultation, village and farming systems surveys.
- Outputs:
- Contract report in three volumes providing as analysis of the project context and development issues, and a proposal for one integrated project based on farming systems, a new marketing
information system, rural credit and agricultural infrastructure such as rural roads, water supplies and local produce markets.
Cook Islands
Cook Islands Agriculture Extension Feasibility Study
- Client:
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Joint with Lincoln International).
- Date:
- 1993
- Objectives:
- Prepare and review extension services in collaboration with Cook Island Ministry of Agriculture.
- Consult with other agencies such as Health and Women's Development to develop joint approaches to technical assistance and training for extension services.
- Make recommendations for the re-organisation, technical assistance and in-service training of extension services.
- Major Activities:
- Preparation of social profiles of project client groups including agricultural businesses, outer islands populations, low-income farmers and women. Conducted consultation with key individuals and groups.
- Outputs:
- Report which included a project outline and budget, and plan for implementation and measures of performance within a Logframe analysis.