New Water Space for Salmon Farming, Marlborough Sounds
- Client:
- New Zealand King Salmon
- Date:
- 2012
- Objectives:
- to prepare an SIA Report to accompany concurrent Plan Change and resource consent applications
- Major activities:
- site visits to all existing NZKS salmon farms and to all proposed salmon farm sites;
- interviews with Outer Sounds representatives on the District Council’s Sounds Advisory Group, and with other key informants with knowledge of the Sounds communities and environment;
- preparation of social profile for the Marlborough Sounds, with particular attention to the localities surrounding the existing and proposed salmon farm sites;
- interviews with residents living closest to existing NZKS salmon farms in Waihinau Bay, Forsyth Bay, Otanerau Bay and Te Pangu Bay to establish experience of the social effects of existing NZKS salmon farming operations;
- interviews with property owners living closest to proposed NZKS salmon farm sites in Waitata Reach, Port Gore, Kaitapeha Bay, Deep Bay and Ngamahau Bay.-
- Outputs:
- SIA Report and statement of evidence for hearing by the EPA Board.
Social Assessment and Public Consultation for the South Island ferry terminal proposal at Clifford Bay
- Client:
- Tranz Rail Ltd
- Date:
- 1996
- Objectives:
- Carry out public consultation as required under the Resource Management Act.
- Assess social and economic impacts of relocating the South Island ferry terminal from Picton to Clifford Bay.
- Major Activities:
- Assemble community profiles, with particular attention to Picton, Seddon, Ward and the Lake Grassmere locality.
- Prepare project information materials for use during public consultation activities.
- Consultation, issue identification, and liaison with technical consultants, legal advisors and project management.
- Survey of Tranz Rail's existing Picton workforce.
- Analysis of ferry passenger survey.
- Outputs:
- Amendments and additions to original proposal.
- Contributions to AEE documentation.
- Recommendations on community mitigation package.
- Project information widely disseminated.
- Expanded networks for on-going Tranz Rail liaison in Marlborough.
Social Assessment and Public Consultation for an America's Cup Harbour proposal in Auckland's Viaduct Basin
- Client:
- Ports of Auckland Ltd, Team NZ, Royal NZ Yacht Squadron.
- Date:
- 1996
- Objectives:
- Carry out public consultation as required under the Resource Management Act.
- Assess social and local business impacts of locating the America's Cup Harbour to the north of the Viaduct Basin.
- Major Activities:
- Prepare project information materials, in conjunction with engineering and landscape consultants.
- Consultation, issue identification, and liaison with technical consultants, legal advisors and project management.
- Mediation between existing harbour users and proponents.
- Outputs:
- Amendments to original concept design.
- Widespread public support for the proposal.
Fergusson Container Terminal Upgrade; public consultation and assessment of social impacts
- Client:
- Ports of Auckland Ltd.
- Date:
- 1995
- Objectives:
- - Consultation with interested and affected parties and identify social effects particularly for local residents, including social consequences of noise effects.
- Major Activities:
- - Interviews, small group meetings, public meetings, community profile.
- Outputs:
- - Contract report, input to AEE and evidence to Council hearings and the Environment Court.